What is Pegasus spyware? iPhone is giving attack alert in 98 countries, know all details

What is Pegasus spyware? iPhone is giving attack alert in 98 countries, know all details

Apple has its iPhone Users have been warned about the risk of Pegasus-like attacks, According to Apple, iPhone users are being targeted by mercenary spyware, Trying to access iPhone through this, In such a situation, Apple has taken this decision including in India 98 Users from different countries have been alerted by sending warning mail, Where there is a greater risk of mercenary spyware, So let’s find out what exactly this is,

What is Pegasus spyware,

Now the question arises that what is Mercenary Spyware?, So let me tell you that this is from Israel NSO can be thought of as a group, whose purpose is to gain unauthorized access to a device,

Let us tell you that spyware is software that spies or monitors., Through this, the phone’s camera, Mike, Hacker gets access to messages and calls, Pegasus spyware is a spyware of Israel NSO The group had created,

How is it used,

Mercenary spyware attackers use massive resources to target a small number of specific people and their devices, Let us tell you that the cost of these spyware attacks is millions of dollars., You can understand how dangerous these are from the fact that Apple has even issued an advisory regarding this. Let us tell you that this is not the first time that Apple has issued this advisory, but earlier also Apple had issued this advisory on 11 April this year.

How does it enter the device,

Now the question arises that how does it intrude into the device? So let us tell you that This can happen when you visit an unsafe website, Or you unknowingly install an unsafe app, Or even open any file attachment. Then once the spyware enters your device, So it starts collecting data., Which can be anything from your web activities to screen captures and your keystrokes,

Once the captured data reaches the spyware creator, he either uses it directly himself or sells it to a third party., This data may also include credit card and bank login details.

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